Friday, September 17, 2010

unlike the indiana jones type

I saw this play about a month or so ago called "Six Guitars". It was a one man show, and the actor played six different characters, each of whom played a different style of guitar (jazz, metal, country, etc.) One of his characters was a classical guitarist (Spanish, at that), and this character tended to talk in grand metaphors, throwing out something abstract and humorous to the audience, then justifying it in a long-winded explanation. Entertaining, but valid at the same time.

At one point, he used a metaphor that playing guitar is "like being a snake"...cue dramatic pause, wait until the laughter dies down. His justification was that, as a guitarist, you continually make discoveries and have epiphanies about your playing and your view on music. Each new discovery, no matter how small or seemingly minor, if applied properly, can get you thinking about what you know and how it applies to your musicianship. Essentially, you shed your skin and take on a new coat. Maybe it's a whisper of a different hue, maybe its a noticeably different shade, or maybe now you're covered in tattoos. No matter what, things are different.

I just think that's kind of neat.

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