Saturday, May 15, 2010

thoughts derived while apartment hunting

-Is it normal to visit another college, particularly one you’ll soon attend, and see people who look identical to “that one guy/girl” you knew at your own/past college?

-Damn it all, I’m really getting into Country Music. Country Music should always be capitalized because it can be so damn fun. I guess it really is acceptable in some (southern) cultures to have whiskey for breakfast.

-I will absolutely, without reservation, take hot and humid weather over snow and bone-chilling temperatures any day.

-The longest, most difficult path to a new friendship is through a bruised ego. The quickest is owning a puppy.

-I fear that airlines that offer wi-fi midflight are a coming sign of the apocalypse.

-Lugging a washer and dryer set up three flights of stairs seems like an activity reserved for a certain circle of hell.

-“No rest for the wicked” truly is a lesson for the quick-witted teenage survivors in any horror movie, particularly for the moment at the end when they’re gazing in awe at the monster they’ve supposedly just slain. Trust me, it’s just a fucked up game of peek-a-boo. Best be runnin’.

-I get bored on airplanes. That last bit explains that nicely.

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